I Hate to rehash the Micro$oft virus topic, but when checking for the ActiveX virus that found it's way on the list recently, my anti-virus program found a virus executable in my attachments folder. Kind of like a viral spore I guess because it could only do it's thing and reproduce itself if it was clicked on. Otherwise it's harmless. It's called Pretty Park.exe. It was 60K and the time stamp was 3/1/2000. I don't know for sure where it came from, but most of the mail I've gotten in the past 2 months has come from this list so I thought I'd let you know so that you can check your Windows partitions for it (if you still have one). Otherwise it's only wasting your HD space. It'll stand out if you have it - it has a SouthPark cartoon icon. It's a pretty nasty virus but can only infect your computer if you click on it. So if you find it, delete it immediately! You can find out about it at:
http://global-positioning.com/pretty_park/. Also look for a file called Files32.vxd which this virus creates and depends upon. From what I understand, sometimes this file is missing and then the virus sends a message through Windows, saying that Windows can't find Files32.vxd. So then some victims go out on the internet in search of this file, not knowing that by finding and installing it, they are only going to cause themselves major, major problems!
Anyway, just thought I'd pass that on so you can check, since I didn't see it mentioned yet. By the way, why do some people attach miscellaneous junk files to their email messages? I had over 6 MB of that stuff in my attachments folder! Lots of interesting stuff to delete! :-)

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