Anders Linden wrote:
>  >
> > > Ok, I have a problem with X-Windows
> > > How can I write the $, ] and } in X?
> > > When I try I only get a 4, a 9 and a 0.
> > > I'm writing this in the console, and as you can see
> > > it works fine there. I just can't get it to work in X (Using KDE).
> > > I've already tries to change the usual rows in the XFConfig file, but
> > > that obvioustly didn't help. I'm from Sweden, so I'm using the swedish
> > > keyboard layout, only if I change to english layout nothing happens
> > > either.
> > > Help wanted!
> > >
> > > Anders
> > I had the same trouble and resolved it as follows:
> > In console type X > /var/log/x.out 2>&1
> > ( nothing will be happen so type CTRL-C)
> > Then read this file with your tex editor.
> > Probably there is a message : .............. no access to
> > /var/............
> > Because you logged in as user and have no access writing to this.
> > So, set the permissions to the dirs as owner and group.(not to root)
> > Let me now if it worked.
> > Eric
> Hmm, well, I'm sure it will work, but I havn't got a clue what you mean. Could
> you explain a little better how I'm suppose to do it?
> Anders
in console (not in X) type 'X > /var/log/x.out 2>&1' w/c.
Normally you can't see what it is doing and nothing will be happen
(system halted)
so press CTRL-C.
Now start X (startx).
Read the created file '/var/log/x.out' with your tex-editor.
Is there a message:
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
        >Error  Cannot open "/var/tmp/server-.....xkm"

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