Evan Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've been using Sun's StarOffice for a while and am quite pleased with it
> (also happy about the upcomming revision that will be comming out late
> summer) but then I also saw Applixware in it's shiny new box and was
> wondering if anyone has tried it and what they think...for just typing up
> casual reports and stuff..nothing heavy.
> Thanks in advance,
> Evan Holt
I have been using SO for over a year (even the Win version, before I tried
Linux).  I've been using Applixware 5 since February.  SO "feels" much larger
and bloated, but does a much better job of reading, converting, and managing
Excel files, especially large ones.  Both do a superb job of handling Word
files.  Neither seems capable of reading the other's docs, unless they are
saved as Word format, or RTF, or some other common form.
My "guess" is that you'll like whichever you get used to.  They both create
their own documents very capably and offer a variety of tools to help you get
work done.

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