I've used SO for over a year - it does seem bloated, not used applixware, but
have you tried Gnumeric (included with Mandrake 7) and Abiword - free as a
download from Abisource, it's still a work in progress but feels similar to Word
and most features work. 

On Sun, 08 Jun 2036, you wrote:
> Evan Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > 
> > I've been using Sun's StarOffice for a while and am quite pleased with it
> > (also happy about the upcomming revision that will be comming out late
> > summer) but then I also saw Applixware in it's shiny new box and was
> > wondering if anyone has tried it and what they think...for just typing up
> > casual reports and stuff..nothing heavy.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > 
> > Evan Holt
> ==========================
> I have been using SO for over a year (even the Win version, before I tried
> Linux).  I've been using Applixware 5 since February.  SO "feels" much larger
> and bloated, but does a much better job of reading, converting, and managing
> Excel files, especially large ones.  Both do a superb job of handling Word
> files.  Neither seems capable of reading the other's docs, unless they are
> saved as Word format, or RTF, or some other common form.
> My "guess" is that you'll like whichever you get used to.  They both create
> their own documents very capably and offer a variety of tools to help you get
> work done.
> Mike
> "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
>       -Benjamin Frankilin
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