On Tue, 02 May 2000, you wrote:
> Bob....so what worked?  All the putzing around, or a
> re-inatall?

        The help I had straightening out the LILO file,  using the win98 startup
disk and running a:/ /mbr, installing the suggested lilo, buying a new modem,
and and not least running /sbin/lilo.  Also have to say that a little research
helped quite alot.  Having become used to Windoze, I became used to almost
instant gratification.  As I progress with the new replacement OS I am more and
more pleased with Linux's apperant capabilities.

        Does anyone need a very nice, almost new WinModem, target pratice comes
to mind or shooting skeet.  How are the people developing an interest in Linux
informed about the lack of functionally of   the winmodem?

        I would like  to find a commericial CAD program.  Does anyone have

        Thanks Again.

        Bob Root

> >         Thanks to all, I now have a viable LILO and
Netscape up and running as > > browser. > > 
> >         I run Opera, as perfered browser in Windows, and am wondering how it
> > functions under Linux.  Can anyone comment on Opera under Linux.
> > 
> >         Once again thanks for the help and your patience

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