On Fri, 5 May 2000, hopper wrote:

> On Thu, 04 May 2000, you wrote:
> > On Wed, 3 May 2000, David Smith wrote:
> > 
> > >Anyone know anything about how to set super permissions to a user without giving 
>them the root password, or the authority to change the root password once they are 
>granted super user permissions.
> > >Thanks in advance.
> > >Dave
> > >
> > 
> > You could add the user to the ROOT group, using userconf (as root).
> This question is sort of along the lost password lines.
> If I loose the root password, am I totally screwed?
No. You can boot and type "linux init 1" at the lilo boot prompt. You will
be dropped in a single-user shell without being asked any password. From
there, you can change root's password.
But I don't think it will work with a too high level security (can someone

If it still doesn't work, you'll have to boot with a cd that a has a live
system on it (like the slack or suse CD), or use a tiny distribution that
hold on a few floppoes (sorry I can't remember the name).
>From there, you can mount your root partition, and change the etc/passwd
or etc/shadow file.


> Thanks,
> Nathan

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