Jason....the mbr of your primary master is not hda1, it is
hda.  If you've installed lilo on hdd1 and hda1 like you said
then that's why Linux won't boot.  Lilo needs to overwrite the
dos/windows boot loader on /dev/hda then Linux should boot and
windows should be a secondary choice (press tab to see your
choices at bootup time).


Jason Lindsay wrote:
> Sorry if this is a resend, but I changed email addys recieving this list.
> I recently installed Mandrake 7 on my machine, on /dev/hdd1
> When I install LILO, and reboot, I get nothing but pages and pages of : 01
> 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 etc. until I turn it off.
> Is anyone else having this problem, and how do I fix it?  It does the same
> thing whether I install on the superblock of /dev/hdd1, or on the MBR on
> /dev/hda1
> Here's the system config:
> /dev/hda: 4.3MB Windows c: drive
> /dev/hdb: 4.3MB windows data drive
> /dev/hdc: cdrom
> /dev/hdd1: ~2GB Linux native partition
> /dev/hdd2: 256M Linux Swap
> AMD K6-2 300Mhz
> SB AWE64
> Modem Blaster 56K modem (non-PnP)
> SMC-based 10Mb ethernet (not currently being used)
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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