flupke wrote:

> On Fri, 5 May 2000, Mike & Tracy Holt wrote:
> > Hello,
> >     I'm getting ready to put together a new system and I'm considering using
> > a scsi hard drive; can anybody tell me if there is much or any performance
> > gain by doing this?
> Definitely yes. SCSI HD are no doubt faster than IDE.
> >  I've seen quite a few posts on these lists about
> > problems with scsi cards / scsi devices with Linux; is this normal or should
> > I expect things to go smoothly?
> For this point, I think you should consult the hardware-HOWTO and the
> SCSI-HOWTO, in order to be sure you take linux-friendly devices.
> Flupke

Hey there
I don't know anything about problems with SCSI cards/devices. OK - I only have a
burner and two different scanners attached to my system, but they works (and
installs) without any problems.
It's right that SCSI disk's are faster than IDE's but compared to price?????
But one thing is shure, your Linux will be more stable, if you have a 'pure'
Mogens Jęger

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