wouldn't it be nice to nip this in the bud, but OH NO!; i said 'nip'
again, tut tut that'll be another smack bottom then!
yep, this got me a telling off.

it's not so much filtering per se i mind, as filtering almost the entire
english language!


> Hey 'frokes' er, folks this has been going on for some time, any time you
> type in the word you use to sign up for this message group or to sign
> off.  You get filtered, so we cannot tell someone how to get out of here
> nor discuss any of the useful subjects like filtering.
> don
>                     I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
>                     But now I know that what I thought I knew
>                     Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.
> On Tue, 9 May 2000 10:38:50 +0200 Mike Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hmmm, well I am not exactly sure where and why our list is being
> > filtered
> > but
> > I do know that I find it extremely distasteful.
> > There is absolutely no reason why Censorship/Filtering etc should
> > not be
> > discussed in this forum
> > especially as applications that can do this may become in demand as
> > Linux
> > becomes more
> > orientated towards Jo Public and his randy little kids.
> >
> > Anyway I would be interested to know where and why this is being
> > done.
> >
> > On a more personal note I wonder what my IT Manager thinks about my
> > Inbox
> > filling up with these bloody messages from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > stating that
> > I have been sending vulgar obscene or whatever messages :-)
> >
> > Cheers:
> >
> > Michael Perry.
> > R&D. Dep. Netafim Magal.
> > <<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>
> > The three most dangerous things are a programmer with a soldering
> > iron, a
> > manager who codes, and a user who gets ideas.
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > > From:       Marc [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent:       Tue 09 May 2000 8:53
> > > Subject:    Re: [newbie] WolfRyder and his censoring
> > >
> > > this whole thing baffles me because i got one a while back and i
> > did not
> > > know it would draw this whole issue up about key words like porn
> > and hate
> > > words. it only sent me back for the word porn though.
> > >
> > >
> >
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