I use a GUI boot manager called XOSL that works great! Lots of boot options and
it has a Windows 95 look and feel. Just make sure to put LILO on your Linux boot partition as it doesn't yet support direct booting of Linux. And before installing any boot manager, always backup your MBR 1st! Here's a page from the manual with links:

Extended Operating System Loader (XOSL) is the world's only full-featured free boot manager, with a real, easy-to-use and full-blown graphical user interface.

Extended Operating System Loader is an absolutely free boot manager and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. XOSL is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). The source code of the entire XOSL project is freely available at the official XOSL web site: http://www.xosl.org

For XOSL a general discussion list exists. This list is the preferred place to send your questions, comments, bug reports, etc, but feel free to mail me personally at [EMAIL PROTECTED]. New releases of XOSL are announced in the general discussion list and in the announcement only list. See the references section on how to join either list.

Before posting any questions regarding XOSL, make sure you have read this manual. This document covers XOSL version 1.1.2.

For the latest information on the ongoing development of XOSL, refer to http://www.xosl.org or join the general discussion list.

At 03:30 PM 05/10/2000 -0500, you wrote:
LILO is okay and all, but doing a custom install, I noticed other boot
managers can be installed. How do they rate feature-wise with LILO?

Here's the features near and dear to me:
Ease of use (especially adding newly compiled kernel--much easier to compile
than install I found).
Easy to incorporate alternative OSes -- Win2k mainly.
Easy to remove.

I have a feeling boot managers are kind of like that saying: fast, reliable,
secure - pick two.



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