bascule....sheesh, I just reread your orininal message and
can't for the life of me figure out how I wrote that response
to it.  Sorry, I guess I was preoccupied or asleep or
something, duh!! Yeah, EOT is good. :-)


bascule wrote:
> thats the point alan, netscape clearly has an option to 'when deleting a
> message locally, remove it from the server' in the mail server>edit>pop
> preferences yet this doesn't appear to work for me, thats all. a new
> client shouldonly be downloading a few messages because thats all i keep
> locally , the others i assumed were being deleted from the server as
> indicated by the option, apparently not
> up to recently i've been keeping my messages on the serveras there
> weren't many and it was a useful form of backup, now i've joined a few
> lists the total number of messages has shot up, which is why i've
> noticed that messages aren't being deleted, i'll decide soon what i'm
> going to do, leave then or lose all of them, if i choose to backup is
> there a particular way or do i just save the file pairs in my
> netscape\..\mail directory?
> anyway i think i've dragged this topic pretty wide of the list, so i'm
> going to cease my own input
> thanks for getting back to me
> bascule
> p.s.
> i complained direct to txu blah blah and guess what?
> they complained about the complaint!
> Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> >
> > can't write to a mail server, so where do you
> > think the info as to what your last downloaded email was, is
> > stored?  On your computer, saved somewhere by the mail
> > client.  So when you change mail clients, the new client has
> > no idea about what you've alread downloaded, so it downloads
> > everything available on the server.
> >
> > Why do you keep mail on the server, your isp will not like
> > that eventually, unless you purge the server every so often by
> > allowing it to kill the mail afterbyou've downloaded it.
> >
> > Alan
> >
> > bascule wrote:
> > >
> > > this is only vaguely related to this list but i figure a lot of people
> > > here use netscape and i have a question:
> > >
> > > i use netscape 4.72 128 bit in windows98 (modem doesn't work in linux
> > > but i have strong suspicion this is a hardware fault caused by lightning
> > > strike!)
> > > i have 'leave messages on server' option on preferences ticked with
> > > 'delete messages on server if deleted locally' selected also (this is
> > > not an option if the former is not checked,
> > > however messages on my isp server are not being deleted, ifound out when
> > > i tried netscape 6 pre release and it wanted to download thousands and
> > > thousands of messages!
> > >
> > > is this a bug perhaps, any one else had this, i am in communication with
> > > my isp as well but i wondered if any one else had ever come across this,
> > >
> > > if i'm not careful then i could be responsible for people on the list
> > > receiving 'message bounced' emails if i use up my message quota,
> > >
> > > not wishing to cause annoyance i am trying to nip this in the bud while
> > > i can.
> > >
> > > bascule

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