David (Mr. Smartypants from France) wrote:
Michael écrivit :

> Well, I may have been a bit hasty with the adulation(see my previous
> post).
> RPMfind says I have netscape 4.70-6mdk. When I look at hte list of
> packages , the only mdk specific one i see is
> 4.61 stable-1mdk. The  4.72's seem to be for redhat.


Version 4.73 (menus are not compatibles with MDK < 7.1)


Version 4.72


Download netscape-common and netscape-communicator OR netscape-navigator
(netscape-communicator & netscape-navigator conflicts).

Right. Sure. When I get to the site by clicking on the (hopefully appropriate) http and then click on the file link all i get is a page full of undecipherable stuff. HEY I AM AN IDIOT HERE: please give me simple instructions. The RPM find did not get me the newest rpm's, but I can't get 4.72 to download, much less install it. Hey, if you guys don't make this any clearer(easier?) I will be forced to remove this mdk stuff from my computer and either switch to redhat for which i can at least buy a distro-specific book, or just give up and use Microsucks products.

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