:~>HAHA im gettin a kick outta this one. Dennis you have the rights so
:~>people shouldn't complain. It is your list :)


It is YOUR list (I mean, all of you), and you have full right to
complain. And i feel kind of sory for offending people by my letter - it
was intended to be funny, not to offend anyone. Which just shows that
obscenities really do not belong to this group. 

Nevertheless, I hope I have made one point very clear: No censorship
here, unless someone really forces me to do it - like with
"unsubscribe" (yes, I can post this word). 

Just in case someone is still interested in the problem: I got no response
from the filtering-program. I guess it was shut-down or reconfigured. 
Next time you see any similar problems, please just e-mail me.


Dr. Denis Havlik                <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance      (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])    

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