    When you go into your BIOS you should see a listing for PCI/Plug and
Play Setup( the wording and such may be different depending upon who
supplied your BIOS). When you enter PCI Setup the first listing will read
something like Plug and Play Aware OS and it can be set to either yes or no.
    I don't remember how I used PM  to install Linux  or even if I did. I
can tell you how my drives are partitioned now:
Drive 0(master):  15000Mb Win98SE;  2500Mb FreeBe;
                           2100Mb free space
Drive 1(slave)      4700Mb Old Win98;   4200Mb
                            Extended part. for Linux; 4000Mb
                            Backup Win98SE
The Extended Partition is itself divided into 4 Linux partitions(the DrakeX
installation did this not me)
                              250Mb (swap file)
   Yes I did have Win98SE on my machine when I installed Linux.
    One thing you might want to do is to try installing Mandrake with your
hd having just a single 10Gb Win
    The Installation Guide that came with my Cds covers the steps taken by
the DrakX installation.
    At step 1: Installation class choose  Reccommended because at Step 6:
Selecting the mount points the manual states the following: "Now you need to
specify in DrakX where the various partitions on the hard disk will be
mounted. In Reccomended mode, normally you won't have anything to do. If you
have only a Windows partition it will be automatically resized and both the
Linux partition and swap space will be created."
   I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Romanator" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Reformatted my entire drive

> Charles,
> The 6 CD pack did not come with a floppy, so I made my own. Also, the
> numbers I used for the partition were taken from an example in
> "The Multi-Boot Configuration Handbook". However, I had not set it up as
> Partition Magic was giving me all sorts of cross link errors.
> By the end of the day, I was sooo tired that I had run out of ideas.
> The 6 CD set has a setup utility for Windows. However, the Install Guide
> goes directly from Windows setup to DrakeX installer.
> It appears that when Linux was beginning to install was looking for a
> specific file system and interrupt. It appears that it was not there.
> When I rebooted and ran my BIOS setup, I could not find an option for
> turning the PNP on or off. My test computer is a Dell Dimension XPS 200s.
> I have an auto feature for the drives. Is that the same?
> By the way, when you partitioned your drive for i.e. C & D, do you
> what the settings were? And, did you have Windows 98 installed in one of
> partitions? I am going to atempt that today.
> I thought that if I would spend a little more money, I would have a more
> full-featured product. Instead, I get a OS that will not install. I'm glad
> did not buy the Gold series. If this gets any worse, I am going to get
> another copy of Linux Mandrake 7.0 from Macmillan
> Thank you. You have very helpful.
> Roman
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Charles A Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 12:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Reformatted my entire drive
> > Roman
> >
> >   The partition table you outlined looks like what I had to use when, in
> the
> > past, I  tried RH 5.2 . I never could get into using  it and ended up
> > removing it.
> >   When I decided to try Mandrake I was going to do it by downloading the
> > file and then burning it to CD. I was doing something wrong in the
> proccess
> > and could never get a working CD. I had an Amazon gift cert. so I used
> to
> > purchase the standard Linux Mandrake 7.0 which is a 3CD set and uses the
> > DrakX installer.
> >    I was already using PM and had already  created 2 partitions on my
> I
> > put CD1 in my cd-rom, inserted the installation floppy, re-booted my
> system,
> > and aside from clicking a couple of buttons during setup Mandrake
> installed
> > itself. It installed as easily as any Program I have ever installed and
> > for an OS install it was heaven.
> >    You on the otherhand are using a 6cd set and from your last couple of
> > postings are  doing the installation in text mode and have chosen custom
> > install which does require that you setup individual partitions.
> >     I hope you can get your Mandrake up and running soon and I will
> > offer suggestion where I can. I just don't know of how much help they
> > be.
> >
> >    Charles
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Roman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 7:37 PM
> > Subject: [newbie] Reformatted my entire drive
> >
> >
> > > I have spent the last while reformatting my 10 Gig. drive into 5 equal
> > > sections of about 1.95 Gig. I inserted the boot floppy disk.
> > > Next, the rawwritewin.exe utility was used to write the cdrom.img file
> > > to the 3.5" floppy disk. I rebooted and the same message appears.
> > > I can't get past the first phase!??
> > >
> > > I am starting to see penguins where ever I look.
> > >
> > > I think, I have to use Partition Magic to create separate partition
> > > the following:
> > > C:WIN98        Fat16
> > > *                     Extended
> > > /boot      LinuxExt2
> > > /root       LinuxExt2
> > > /s            LinuxSwap
> > > /home     LinuxExt2
> > > /usr        LinuxExt2
> > > /var        LinuxExt2
> > >
> > > Is this right? I am completely out of ideas. I guess I have been used
> > > easy installations from Bill's Windows - too long.
> > >
> > > I have lost all of my previous email help messages because I
> > > my drive. Partition Magic would not allow me to convert Fat32 to Fat16
> > > due to cluster errors and links. Surely, the installation must go
> > > than this?
> > >
> > > Roman
> > > (Completely tired Registered Linux Mandrake (sort of) User who cannot
> > > get past the boot process)
> > >
> > >
> >

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