Thanks to everyone who responded to my posts about my recent crash. I 
printed out all the posts before launching my latest assault on the 
problem. This time rather than trying just "fsck" by itself, I followed 
someone's suggestion and added the path to the problem partition (fsck 
/dev/hda5) and something constructive seemed to start happening 
immediately! It said:
"unattached inode 2182" and
"connect to /lost+found(y)?" and
"inode 2182 ref count is 2, should be 1. Fix(y)?" and
"deleted/unused inode 10394." "Clear(y)?"

...etc. This went on for a long, long time with many different inodes and I 
answered yes each time.
Finally it said that the partition was clean. I ran the fsck command again 
to make sure, and it
confirmed that it was clean. At this point I rebooted with shutdown -r now.
It seemed to boot normally at first, but then the "not cleanly unmounted 
errors" and "check forced" messages came up again as usual. But after that 
it booted normally into X. Atleast so I thought. At first I was simply 
amazed that I was actually looking at X again, until I realized the desktop 
was awfully clean - no icons! I tried all the menu items as well as the 
icons on the Kbar - nothing worked. A file manager window had been left 
open in the taskbar so I opened it, to reveal a blank, white window that 
refused to close (just like Netscape did just before the disaster occured). 
I attempted to log out from the K menu (the only menu item that responded), 
and like before, it locked up everything but the mouse. This time, however, 
I knew what to do! Crtl+alt+backspace put me back at the logon/off dialog 
box from where I was able to do a proper reboot. I watched the log 
out/unmount messages and could see more evidence that things were, 
basically, still thashed. In angrey red, I briefly caught part of a message 
that /usr couldnot be unmounted because it was "busy". A few other errors I 
couldn't catch. Just to make sure none of this wasn't a fluke, I rebooted 
back into Mandrake and got the same results, including the missing icons, 
nothing working, and X locking up on shutdown.

Just as Anthony said, this has definitely been a big learning experience! I 
did a little Internet search on the original error messages and found a 
number of message board posts about it scattered across various Linux 
forums. I even found it mentioned on a DEC and a Sun site, so it can even 
happen to the "big boys", although they apparently have fully automated 
repairing, according to what I read.  I do have Mandrake 6.0 so maybe that 
explains the unmounting problem, as Joseph suggested (any way to upgrade 
directly off the web?). On one of those other Linux forums someone talked 
about using e2fsck. Otherwise, I guess it's time to reinstall. Hopefully I 
can just manage to fix the damage rather than complete start from scratch! 
See you on the other side!

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