this is not mandrake specific but it is sort of linux related,

are there any uk list members out there who have purchased an internal
v90 modem recently pci or isa, that works under linux i.e. most likely
to be a fully hardware modem? if so could you please let me knoe the
make and model

i have seen many modems that are described as hardware but turn out to
be sort of half and half, from what i read there can be a difference
between a controllerless modem and one that has an onboard controller
(quite what that means i'm not sure) but still needs win specific
softare to run, i've spoken to resellers on the phone but none seem to
be willing to swear to functionality under non windows os. i came across
one but it was too expensive for me (i forget exactly but it was 3com),

i know external would sort out the problem but i specifically need an
internal (on account of my current -lightning damaged one- installs as a
third com port which i need as other two are used), i don't have usb on
my machine either,

please feel free to mail me direct as this is more of a personal problem
than a problem with using linux


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