I run getmail as a cron job and have it set to check the server every 10
minutes.  It works greats, and is easy to configure.  Here is the
excerpt from my cron file:

0,10,20,30,40,50 8 * * * * /home/monty/getmail-1.10/getmail -n

Hope this helps


On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 10:40:48PM -0700, Don W. Jenkins wrote:
> At 07:02 PM 5/16/00 +0200, you wrote:
> I use Pine, too, along with Getmail.  I like Getmail because it will 
> deliver my Pop3 messages directly to my inbox, and then Pine can pick them 
> up.  It also appears to me that Pine can be configured to use SMTP to send 
> messages out directly through my ISP, as that is the way it is working for 
> me.  Which is a good thing, as I can't get Mutt to send, and it works in 
> conjunction with Postfix/Sendmail.  The only thing I would really like 
> Fetchmail for is its polling ability, but there again, I can't get it to 
> work, as it also works with Postfix/Sendmail, and I have no idea where the 
> messages are ending up with Fetchmail.  Not the inbox.  Do you know if 
> there is any way for Getmail to poll the server periodically or run ad a 
> daemon?  I guess its beauty is its simplicity.  I like Pine, too because it 
> is easy to read, it will open URL's either in Netscape or Lynx, and I can 
> do everything without moving my hands from the keyboard.
> Don J.
> >On Tue, 16 May 2000, Michael wrote:
> >
> > >Paul,
> > >Thanks for the heads up. I only venture forth into Bill's world when
> > >forced. So you use Pine, eh? I am comfortable with NS' mail program;
> > >guess if comfort was my criterion I wouldn't be on this list, though, so
> > >where would you point me to in terms of help files, to be able to get it
> > >(Pine)up and running?
> >
> >Hi Michael,
> >
> >First off: Pine is not graphical. It is all text-based although in a
> >konsole-window it reacts to mouse clicks (reall neat). I picked pine
> >because I don't want colored backgrounds and music and jumping images in
> >my mail. I am colorblind, and most of the colored background stuff makes
> >it impossible for me to read the actual mail.
> >
> >Pine is a Mail User Agent. That means you use it to type mail and tell it
> >to dump it somewhere. Then a Mail Transport Agent picks up the mail and
> >sends it out.
> >NS Mail does this all for you, it directly connects to SMTP and POP
> >servers.
> >
> >For MTA you have several choices:
> >
> >Sendmail (standard in the package, but see the "Sendmail in a nutshell"
> >and be scared)
> >   -used ver much, terrible (for me) to configure
> >Qmail (www.qmail.org)
> >   -Easier to install (although that gave me some extra grey hairs too) and
> >apparently more safe than Sendmail. ALthough for 1 person, that is not a
> >big deal I guess.
> >
> >To pull mail from a server you can either use FETCHMAIL (standard in the
> >package) or Getmail (which I use)
> >
> >Now you know this, decide if you want to venture into Pine or Mutt (also
> >text based) and let the world know...
> >
> >Paul
> >
> >)0(-----------------------------------)0(
> >
> >Law of Life's Highway:
> >If everything is coming your way,
> >you're in the wrong lane.
> >
> >)0(----[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-------------)0(
> >http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208
> >Registered Linux User 174403

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