Hi there!
I have a problem with the configuring of my CD RW. I am currently
reading the MUO's
Howto on it, but I can't get beyond step 1. ls -l /dev/cdrom results:
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root        3 May 17 16:52 ?dev/cdrom ->hdc
then i do
ls -l /dev/cdrom1 and getthe same except  8 May 22 13:38 /dev/cdrom1

The howto says to go to step 8 from here, but I can't make heads nor
tails of it.
Maybe it is a bit early for the "registered Linux user # " stuff.....

Right now it won't play or anything but does seem to be hooked up right.


      -michael brower-
   "Dancing with Penguins"
Registered Linux User #175480

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