Em qui, 25 mai 2000, Denis HAVLIK escreveu:
> Here is what happens: We have a list of packages with their "value".
> valuable packages have number asociated with them which is close to 100,
> while "junk" packages have a number close to 0 (well, junk packages do not
> make it into the distro, but you get the picture)

Now that I understand it, I actually like that option.  When I first saw that
slide bar, I did not have a clue of what to do... since I had space on my HD, I
just moved the slider all the way to the right.  I assume a lot of others did
the same.

Now, is the slide bar mentioned in the manual?  I did not read the manual prior
to installing, but then again I had a download disk, not a packaged distro.  And
who RTFM anyway?  Maybe an "on-the-fly" explanation of what the slide bar means
is in order...

And are the "grades" Mandrakesoft gives each package available anywhere?  I
would like to check those grades out.


> When you move the slider to left, you efectively "raise the bar", so that
> packages with lower "priority" drop out of the selection. 
> Personally, I think this is a great way to make a compromyse between
> having some controle over instalation and not having to browse trough
> 1000+ packages at install (horror!)
> What we miss at the moment is a tool which would use a symilar logic to
> help you install|uninstall packages on already installed system, but Pixel
> is working on it right now. 
> cu
>       Denis
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Denis Havlik                <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
> Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Quality Assurance      (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])    
> -------------------oOO--(_)--OOo---------------------
* Registered Linux User Number *
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