On Thu, 25 May 2000, carlos dominguez wrote:

>I every body I'm new in this list and I have the
>following problem
>I have a CDRW (hdc= Acer atapi 4x4x32) and a CD-ROM
>(hdd=BTC ATAPI 24X), but in the desktop i just have
>one icon to cd-rom to open the cdrw and this make a
>error trying to read this device, what can i do??? 
>How can i configure the other cd rom (hdd)
>Thanks in advance

Hi Carlos,

Log in as root.
Make a link fron /dev/hdd to /dev/cdrom1:

ln -s /dev/hdd /dev/cdrom1

This creates a new cdrom entry.

Stick a CD-ROM in the CDRW and then go to the /mnt directory and

mkdir cdrw
mount /dev/cdrom1 /mnt/cdrw

with ls /mnt/cdrw you should be able now to read the contents on the
cd. If not, then there is another problem. Good luck!

Also look at http://mandrakeuser.org in the hardware section, there is a
lot of good info there.



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