Dacia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 

        Hey, I had the same problem.  I thought maybe I need 
        to uninstall the existing xemacs before I try this 
        "update".  That seems silly though doesn't it.

It does seem silly, but I thought about trying it, too. However, I worried
about the fact that the error message mentions xemacs-base-21.1.8-3, which
is not part of the update.

> file /usr/bin/xemacs from install of
> > xemacs-21.1.-7mdk conflicts with file
> > from package xemacs-base-21.1.8-3
> > 
> > file /usr/bin/b2m from install of
> > xemacs-extras-21.1.9-7mdk conflicts with
> > file from package emacs-20.5-3mdk

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