On Wed, 31 May 2000 00:09:21 -0400, Kenny wrote:

>It doesnt, the computer just hangs if you just do fdisk/mrb I've done it
>before as an experiment with no lilo and even before i screwed up linux i
>had to do that no go.
Wed, 31 May 2000  09:45:15

Well I'm sure it didn't Kenny if you really used  fdisk/mrb? The
correct command is, fdisk/mbr...however if you used the correct
command and it did not work, I would then think that your DOS boot
disc is not proper...that boot disc should contain several useful
tools including drivers for your cdrom...among these tools is
Fdisk.exe ..that must be there for the command fdisk/mbr to work.

        You should be sure and have a good boot disc, that has all the
things you need for your specific system..You can find these easy by
running a search for "boot disc" ..If you for instance change your CD
Rom drive for a different one you need to obtain a set of "real mode
drivers" that will work with the new drive, and then edit the DOS
batch file on the boot disc with the little editor included in there..

        If you don't have a boot disc that will work it's the same as
locking your keys in the car 8-).

Olly P

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