On Tue, 30 May 2000 10:20:58 HST,edison wrote:

>2) i did not fdisk /mbr yet coz my boot disk won't work! I don't know, I 
>created it during installation and tried booting from it, it just gives me 
>Error 0X10.  I tried viewing the file contents in Linux and the reply was 
>'can't read the contents of the disk'...just wondering what's wrong.
>I have reinstalled everything and I can boot up properly but the boot disk 
>still does not work. And the X config and X res does not work either.
Wed, 31 May 2000  10:05:52

I appears that you do not need to do fdisk/mbr edison..If you have
access to your drive now, you are fine. once you get all squared away
though , try to make a linux boot disc that works...it can save you
grief in the future..

        It sounds above, like you were trying to use the nonworking
Linux boot disc to run fdisk/mbr? you would actually  want to run that
from the DOS/MS windows boot disc not the Linux one...Just in case you
need to ever do it in the future.

Olly P


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