On Tue, 30 May 2000 21:43:41 +0200 (CEST), Paul wrote:

>Sometimes descriptions of programs really stump me... I just ran over this
>ZPoPyDA is a postgresql database adapter for Zope based on PoPy
>Well, Aren;t you glad you know this now? *grin*
Wed, 31 May 2000  10:25:29

This is a most perfect illustration that illuminates with precision
what I have been saying all week Paul..
        There is no way a newbie can decipher that (explanation?).
If you do not know...you cannot learn.." .catch 22".

        I am hoping that continued exposure to the vernacular will
eventually enable me to absorb some small amount, perhaps enough for a
promotion to "newbie first class". 8-)

olly P

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