On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 14:17:46 +0200 (CEST), Paul wrote:

>Hi Olly and all,
>I think I have figured part of this out now. PoPy... well, the Py stands
>for Python, a programming language. Zope must be some kind of program. And
>ZPoPyDA (DA - Database Adapter) is some kind of plugin for the Zope
>program to make it possible to access a postgresql (probably some form of
>SQL). And ZPoPyDA is thus written in Python.
>This is worrying! I think I understand this!
(clipped neatly)
Sat, 3 Jun 2000  19:26:09

The probability of your explanation being absolutely correct is quite
high, for alas I understand it no more than the original statement 8-)

Olly P

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