Playing devils advocate her but when I originally installed MDK, I let
diskdrake do the work and it worked like a charm.  Even did a fresh
install of windows after my last linux reinstall and everyting went sweet.



On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, bascule wrote:

> i second that, diskdrake really messed up my disk after i decided to let
> it do the job instead of pm, went back to pm and had no problems
> bascule
> Ron Peake wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Dick
> > 
> > I have experienced the same problem and in my case it resulted from letting
> > Mandrake's Diskdrake 'fiddle' with the partitions created by Partition Magic.
> > The only solution that I found was to let Nortons DiskDoctor fix the partition
> > tables, then resize the partitions again using Partition Magic 4,01.
> > 
> > Mandrake Sofware suggested in January or February of this year to use a later
> > version of their Diskdrake program instead of the one which was in release 7,0.
> > But in my PC, there was no improvement.
> > So from my experience, Mandrake's program is still unable to
> > alter vfat or even linux partitions safely, in a way which allows other
> > operating systems such as DOS/Windows to also use them.
> > 
> > Ron

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