On Wed, 31 May 2000, you wrote:
> Hello!
> The installation manuals do not say anything about the "cylinder 1024"
> problem. This is the /boot or /root have to be installed within the
> 1024th cylinder.
> I have Windows 98, DOS 6.2 and Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Air Version in my
> 13GB Quantum Fireball HD.
> First time I tried to install Mandrake Linux in an empty partition
> (after 9GB Windows partition), I got an error message in LILO
> installation (because /root is after cylinder 1024) and then I was not
> able to boot from HD (Linux and Windows).
> Fortunately there is a "magic" fdisk (DOS) command:
> fdisk /mbr
> that restores the MBR, and then I can boot Windows again from HD. Linux
> only boot from the diskete.
> I decided then start from the begining, because I do not have Partition
> Magic.
> I was not shure if I can use the DiskDrake to make a partition resize
> without destroying any data (in DOS partition). Do you know that?
> What I did:
> 1. I made one DOS FAT16 400MB partition (with dos fdisk) for DOS 6.2
> and I installed it there (dos C: disk)
> 2. I made one DOS FAT16 16MB partition (with dos fdisk), without
> installing anything there (dos D: disk)
> 3. I made one FAT32 9GB partition (dos E: disk) (with W98 fdisk), and I
> installed Windows98 there.
> 6. I made one FAT16 1.5GB partition to put data to be shared by DOS,
> Linux and Windows98
> After that I have deleted partion D: and make a new one smaller (6MB. I
> had to make a new one because Windows98 did not boot as disk D: (it has
> to be as disk E: as installed)
> The remaining space was for Linux:
> 7. I made 128MB swap partion
> 8. I made about 1.5GB for /root
> Then a got the 1024 error message, and  created a partition after the
> dos D: partition, with 8MB for /boot (within cylinder 1024)
> Summary of partitions:
> hda1: DOS C: (400MB) - DOS 6.2
> hda5: DOS D: (6MB)- Without data
> hda9: Linux /boot (8MB)
> hda6: DOS E: (9GB) - Windows 98
> hda7: Linux /swap (128MB)
> hda8: Linux /root (1.5GB)
> With above configuration LILO was automatically installed without any
> questions or errors, and I can boot from HD to Linux or Windows98. If I
> want to boot to DOS 6.2, I make F8, after boot Windows98 and I choose
> "old DOS option".
> Everything seems to work fine, but I am shure that should be a simpler
> solution for that.
> There is on error in /hda5 because Linux can not mount it. I think that
> is a too small partition.
> Is there any suggestion to make this job simpler?
> Why Linux-Mandrake installation do not ask if we want to install LILO?
> It is not good see our MBR destroyed by a faulty LILO installation.
> If I am shure that DiskDrake can make a partion resise without
> destroying dos data, I would make the following partition:
> DOS c: (400MB)
> Linux /boot (10MB or a little more). Suggestions for the optimal size?
> Windows 98 D: (9GB)
> FAT16 E: (1.5GB)
> Linux /swap (128MB)
> Linux /root (remaining)
> I read a lot of installation instructions. None of them shown a map
> like this: the safest way to make the p+artitions to install linux.
> Why?
> Please make your suggestions, but specific suggestions, not general. As
> newbie is very difficult to me understand some details and make my own
> choices.

Wow. Combine the /boot and /root to mount poiint /


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