Hi, all --

I think it was my posting that started this, so I would like to follow up.  I found 
Mandrake 7.0 and installed it on the laptop in 
question (the original question, that is).  I told it to install PCMCIA.  I hadn't 
done this at first when I loaded 6.1, and when the 
startup script reported that it was starting PCMCIA it evidently wasn't.  I find now 
that I can ping other machines in our LAN 
using my Linksys PCMCIA card, and I get some evidence that it is at least trying to 
telnet.  I still have a lot to learn about 
using Linux as a networking operating system, but at least the problem I was having in 
the beginning appears to be solved.  
The machine sees the Linksys card, and it works at least at a very low level.

(Now, what do I have to do in order to be able to Telnet from one machine to the other 
-- and where is the documentation on 

Anyhow, the problem -- at least for laptops -- seems to be PCMCIA installation, not 

On Thu, 1 Jun 2000 20:28:59 -0500, Vic wrote:

>Not that I would buy one (thanks very much for the warning)
>but do they give you your money back if you did buy one
>by mistake? If not I would sue their butts.
>On Wed, 24 May 2000, Jay Latham wrote:
>> I'm sorry to hear that you got suckered into buying a linksys card. These 
>> guys are ripoffs. I posted a long warning to everyone about a month ago 
>> about them and their pc cards.
>> LINKSYS  DOES NOT SUPPORT LINUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are just trying to 
>> make money off of some other persons hard work. Hoping someone else has 
>> written a driver for the card.
>> At least you got an answer back from them .. when I sent in a msg about my 
>> card and linux it took a week for them to send me a msg back telling me 
>> they don't support Linux.
>> You are correct in assuming they are wrong about re-compiling the kernel... 
>> here's what I had to do to get the card to work on my Dell laptop.
>> Make sure networking is turned on.
>> Reboot
>> Go into your bios and turn off your serial ports ( most important 
>> part!!..don't set to auto or any other choice you might be offered... turn 
>> them off.)
>> Linux should detect your card now ... Good Luck
>> Jay

Pete Clapham
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115
Voice: [216] 687-4820
Fax: [216] 523-7200

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