First question is

Have you installed it?

In a terminal type    rpm -q -a | less

Move up and down the results to find a make  rpm.
If it's not there, the answer is on your Mandrake CD.

When it IS there type       rpm -q -R  packagename

to find out about dependencies.  On my system the result is as
below, but you should do it yourself

[glyn@localhost glyn]$ rpm -q -R make-3.77-11mdk         
[glyn@localhost glyn]$  

Have a good look at  man rpm    It's a marvellous command!


Glyn M.

On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 12:08:57PM -0700, thus spake Kanishka Jayasekara:
> I need some help on mandrake 7 installed it but why isnt the make command working ? 
>is there some thing els i got to install to make the make command work ?
> thanks
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       * "The soul is greater than the hum of its parts. "  *
       *                 Douglas Hoftstatder                *

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