how about "startx" ???  :-)

At 12:09 03/06/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>First of all give us the type of Video card or on board video chip you have.
>It seems that the X configuration was wrong if not incompatability with the
>Video card.
>The login was OK . Login as root ( type su and the it will ask you for your
>password) then type xf86config  This will start the X configuration. Put the
>correct info of your Video chip and your monitor. After you are done 
>reboot and
>at the lilo prompt type linux init 5 . That will get you to the X windows
>login.  In you Linux config ( you can access it using DrakeConf ) change the
>Lilo to boot into init 5 if you want every time to boot into a GUI login.
>Let us know how did it go.
>  On
>Thu, 01 Jun 2000, also sprach: >  >  >  >  >  > dear anyone,
> > hi, i have a compaq 7940 Presario, 128 MB of RAM, L2 cache, AMD-K6
> > 650mhz processor. my problem is i tried to install linux, and when
> > its
> > done installing the packages, it says it's going to install
> > x-windows.
> >  and i wait for the screen to load. when it does, first a blank black
> > screen comes out, then a gray screen with x's on it comes out. i
> > waited, but nothing happend, so i shutdown the comp. when i turned it
> > on, linux mandrake loaded to this... it prompted me to enter my
> > localhost user/pass. i did. then this comes out [paul@localhost
> > paul]$
> >  is that normal? it's like a dos type thing. and from there, i don't
> > know how to run any of the programs, or if that's where i can access
> > x-windows. what can i do?
> > thanks and God bless everyone! peace!
> >
> > Paul John "Stiff-man" Kiener
> >
> >
> >
> >
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>Windoze is a virus with a user interface.
>This message was created with Linux

Best Regard's ,
Amir Tal,
System Administrator
Intercomp Ltd.

Cell : 051-473382
Office : 09-9526993.

Have a Nice Day...    :-)

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