A couple of days ago, I decided to download a recent version af LICQ and the
corresponding version of Qt. 
Using Netskape i contaced the coresponding sites and, whithin these sites, their
ftp direcories. 

At this point, the location toolbar of Netscape showed a line beginning by
ftp:// . Fine. 

But, instead of letting a slave window appear, asking if I
wanted to save the downloaded file, and in which directory, and under wihch
filename, the Communicator window started to become filled with lots of
apparently meaningless characters. I restarded everything a couple of times,
but got the same result. 
Finally, I waited until the communcator window was totally
full, then I went to the file menu and choose the "save page" command. Very
happily so, since the saving resulted in a .tar.gz file in one case,
and in a .rpm file in the other case, and I have been able to use them in order
to install what I wanted to install.

Now, was all this normal? Or do I have to settle a ftp plugin in Netscape in
order to have a more "transparent" ftp behaviour? And, in this case, what
should I do?

Thenk you for leaning on this question.

        Dr Piero Caracciolo
        Ecole Normale Superieure

...humani nihil ...

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