Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> If you don't yet have the square there then open the KDE
> Control Panel and choose Input devices and International
> keyboard to access the add keyboard function and be sure to
> check both autostart and docked in the StartUp tab.

Thanks Alan,

This almost worked. The problem is my default keyboard is Dvorak, not
English, so when I set things up the way you describe, linux thinks it's
switching from English to Dvorak, unstead of Dvorak to English. So the
Dvorak board works, but the English board doesn't.

I fooled around trying to figure out how to tell KDE that the Dvorak
board is the default, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I suppose
I could run kbdconf and reset the machines default back to English, but
that doesn't allow me to work at the command line in Dvorak.



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