Hello Everyone,

By way of introduction, my name is Murray and I just installed
Linux-Mandrake 6.0 (boy, do I ever feel out of date!) about a week ago.

I specifically replaced my old WinModem with a proper modem for this
install, but now I can't seem to get it up and running.  The (new) modem
is a 3Com, US Robotics Internal Fax/Modem, model #5687.  It's an ISA
Plug'n'Pray (the praying doesn't seem to be helping, though).  

System specs:  Hewlett-Packard 6330.  Windows 98 on first HD, Linux on a
26GB Quantum Fireball drive on the secondary master.  94MB of RAM.  The
modem is on COM2, and according to the Win98 Control Panel it has an
Input/Output Range of 02F8-02FF and Interrupt Request 03.  I was using
the tutorial on setting up PnP devices at the Beginners Linux Guide
<http://www.linux.ie/beginners-linux-guide/plug-and-play.html>; I tried
following their directions, but I'm not having any luck.  On bootup I
get a message reading something close to:  "Setting up Plug and Play
Devices--Error parsing file, do not know what to do with Input value
02f8 on or about line 274.  Failed."  Maybe I'm reading the tutorial

In any case, could anyone tell me how to set this up?  Also, where do I
find a driver for it?

Thanks in advance for any help at all!


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