knowing what brand of bios you have would be helpful
too.  Award?  AMI?  Phoenix?  Other?
--- KompuKit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wouldn't fool with the BIOS  unless you KNOW
> what you are doing...
> you can really mess up things...bigtime...
> what you should this:
> if you know HOW to get into your BIOS settings...on
> startup
> (either pressing the DELETE key,or pressing the F1
> key,or pressing
> Ctrl-Alt-Del keys all at once/your startup screen
> should tell you
> how)...
> go into each screen (but don't change
> anything)...and write down all 
> and each setting you see...then post it....and we
> can help you better.
> Murray wrote:
> > 
> > Micheal,
> > 
> > >>I hate to sound like a dirty cd but did you try
> > disabling com2 in the
> > BIOS? 2f8 +irq3=com2.<<
> > 
> > I've never modified anything in BIOS before, how
> would I go about doing
> > that?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Murray
> -- 
>            Registered Linux User:73821
> <===============    KompuKit    ===================>
> Kit Goins                              ICQ# 7110071
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           Lowell, Mass.
> Web Designer
> WebServer:
> (Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)
> <===============    KompuKit    ===================>

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