On Wed, 7 Jun 2000 20:09:49 -0700 (PDT),Dacia wrote:

>I noticed that my system was using 247 megs of ram
>while it was just sitting there with nothing running
>so I started killing processes.  This freed up about 3
>Megs!  Usually when my system first boots up it is
>using around 65-70 megs not 250!  I tried disabling
>some of the startup services through DrakConf.  I then
>rebooted.  System boots, mounts file systems and tries
>to start X at this point it can't start X and the
(chopped off for space)
Thu, 8 Jun 2000  10:35:14

Hi Dacia,

I think you were trying to cure a non problem, when you shot yourself
in the foot with the X malfunction.

memory pages much faster than swap, so Linux uses a lot of memory for
this...it can manage it very well, so having it utilized in this
manner is just good practice. you were not having any problems with
the system bogging down?  so trying to free memory was not the thing
to do.

I have heard things like netscape can run away and cram the memory.
But if you were not experiencing some other slowdown, I don't think a
well filled memory is a real problem.

I have 24m ram only, and run a full MDK 6.1...so my 24m stays full all
the time and most always uses swap..and it runs well..If I had your
247m I wouldn't even bother to run "top"...8-)

sorry for this opinion likely, not making you feel any better?
Just remember I am a dangerous newbie and probably don't know what I
am talking about.

Olly P

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