On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Jeff Shevlen wrote:

Hi Jeff,

This indeed looks like a problem with the Xserver.
On www.xfree.org you should be able to find download links to version
3.3.6 (older, stable comes with MDK 7.0) and 4.0 (newer, stable, supports
less videocards so far), and also tips on how you should install/upgrade
this all.

Hope this helps

>Re Linux 6.0
>I have installed... I've been through the bsh a little...  but KDE (or other 
>GUI's) aren't in the offing.
>On launch of KDE from command line I get X errors (I forget which... like it 
>can't initialize).  Trouble with the video driver?
>MB BX-CEL 8mb (?? according to my receipts).
>My machine is a pentium II 350, 128mb RAM, motherboard??.
>I understand that there are newer versions of xfree86 that might solve the 
>driver problem - if it is the problem...  If new xfree86 is the route to go 
>- if it's not a bad idea to upgrade regardless - how??
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