But if you read some of my previous posts, you will see that I had to go
fix some flubs in the cards+ file concerning three Trident video cards
and I still don't have a working XF86Setup.

Mandrake Account wrote:
> Which site did you download the iso from. I have been having trouble
> downloading them since it came out.  I can't seem to get any of the sites
> on the website to connected and I have a cable modem.
> Eric
> At 01:37 AM 6/10/2000 -0700, you wrote:
> >I haven't even tried an FTP install of Linux in my life.  Of course I
> >had a 56K and didn't want to tie up the phone for days.  Now I'm on
> >cable, so I download the .iso images and burn CD-R's of Mandrake.
> >I'd recommend you find a friend with a fast connection and a CD-R (or
> >CD-RW) drive.  I don't really want to offer to do this for anyone online
> >since I could get flooded with requests and have to play
> >pick-and-choose.
> >If a person sent me 2 CD-R's, the mailer to mail them with, and the
> >money to cover the postage back to them (or have the stamps put on the
> >return mailer yourself before you send it) then I'd be willing to burn
> >.iso's to CD-R for a few people.  I might do 1 or 2 per week like that,
> >but with only a 2x burner, I can't offer to do it a lot.
> >
> >Benjamin Sher wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear friends:
> > >
> > > Well, as it turns out, there seems to be NO WAY to download the new
> > > Mandrake 7.1 by FTP. Since 7.1 is on two CD rather than one CD, there is
> > > a pause during the download install that has completely stumped me (and
> > > probably others). I selected Custom, Normal for download and all of the
> > > categories (except for the extra "Documentation" category) for a total
> > > of 2.2 Gig or 764 packages. Each time (once from rpmfind a few days ago
> > > and today from metalab.unc.edu), I got precisely the same results: the
> > > download pauses on the file "kpppload", with nearly exactly half of the
> > > packages still waiting to be downloaded, and suddenly moves on to the
> > > next stage of install, namely, "Installing packages," "select your time
> > > zone,", "configure your printer," etc. etc. until you get the ironic
> > > message : Mandrake 7.1 successfully installed (which it most certainly
> > > is NOT, as you find out if you try to use it).
> > >
> > > Earlier tonight, a kind list member explained this mystery to us: the
> > > first CD stops precisely here at "kpppload" and asks you to insert the
> > > second CD.
> > >
> > > Well, that's fine and dandy if you have the CD's (I am still waiting for
> > > mine from LinuxLand). But what do you do if you are trying to download
> > > and install MDK 7.1 by FTP?
> > >
> > > I tried to download a minimal version (700 megs). Same problem.
> > >
> > > I then tried to download an even more minimal version without KDE,
> > > hoping to then return and upgrade and install KDE last. Again, same
> > > problem. In fact, it refused to let me install at all without installing
> > > KDE (where it once again stopped at precisely kpppload). In desperation,
> > > I decided to download Mandrake with KDE ONLY (300 Megs) and then build
> > > on that. No dice! Once again, with 3:20 to go and many packages left, it
> > > once again stopped at kpppload and proceeded to "finish" the rest of the
> > > installation process as if nothing had happened!
> > >
> > > So, how do the rest of you do it? What' the secret formula, folks?
> > >
> > > Thank you so much.
> > >
> > > --
> > > Benjamin and Anna Sher
> > > Sher's Russian Web
> > > http://www.websher.net

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

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