did you set it up as a "tulip" driver?
> I tried setting up a Linksys LNE100TX NIC on my HP / MDK7 / Win98 machine.  I
> have it up at boot as seen in my dmesg, but when I run ifconfig, eth0 states
> Broadcast and not Up Broadcast.  I can't ping it from my internal network and
> I see the routes are correct.  Mdk7 has the tulip driver already compiled and
> everything I tried seems okay.  The card is set as active in the etherconfig
> and routes are correct in the route tables.  I have checked the scripts and
> they all have the required variables.  I guess the question is how to get the
> broadcast up or what else could be wrong.
> My buddy said to buy a supported NIC like a 3COM.  Maybe he's right, but the
> Linksys should work... right?

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