RRPotratz wrote:
 What are the numbers on the biggest chip on the card? If one of them is
 LC82C169 it should work well as I've got two running on different
 distros, If it says version 2.0 somewhere on the card in white
 then it requires the latest tulip driver which you may have to compile
 yourself. Did have that working in that way but it is no longer in a
 right now. RRP
> David Talbot wrote:
> >
> > I speak from absolute experience here. I too picked up that card (Ohhh a
> > $10 NIC), and there are currently no drivers for linux. Sorry. The NE2000's
> > work great though...
> >
> > -David Talbot
> >
> > At 09:47 PM 6/10/00 -0400, you wrote:
> > >I tried setting up a Linksys LNE100TX NIC on my HP / MDK7 / Win98 machine.  I
> > >have it up at boot as seen in my dmesg, but when I run ifconfig, eth0 states
> > >Broadcast and not Up Broadcast.  I can't ping it from my internal network and
> > >I see the routes are correct.  Mdk7 has the tulip driver already compiled and
> > >everything I tried seems okay.  The card is set as active in the etherconfig
> > >and routes are correct in the route tables.  I have checked the scripts and
> > >they all have the required variables.  I guess the question is how to get the
> > >broadcast up or what else could be wrong.
> > >
> > >My buddy said to buy a supported NIC like a 3COM.  Maybe he's right, but the
> > >Linksys should work... right?

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