Spent a half hour writing a nice reply at work and
then accidentally grabbed the resize edge instead of
the slider.  Boom.  Gone.  

PC133 makes a noticeable difference.  Faster ram is
worth it.  Sometimes you can overclock your ram but it
is better to buy faster then overclock.  Having said
that, I'm running my pc100 ram at 125mhz and it works
just fine.  

Your K6-2 500/Asus P5A combo would be a great gaming
machine with 256 megs of ram and a g400 or voodoo3 or
voodoo5.  Last I saw, ram was $114 for 128 meg stick
of pc133 ram.

Two voodoo2's because I bought quake3 for linux
(without doing all of my homework) and then found that
my ATI rage fury will not give me hardware
acceleration in linux.....yet.  I believe that Xfree86
4.0 rectifies this but I didn't want to wait until it
was stable to play quake.  The voodoo2's have a $30
rebate from 3dfx right now and they were on sale for
$60 at my favorite computer store.  They kick ass all
over the ATI card (obviously) in linux and in windows
too.  I wish I'd sprung for 'em a year ago when I
bought the ATI.

As far as first person shooter type games go, check
out half-life.  Not quite as pretty as quake3 or
unreal tournament but long enough in the story
department that I'm still enjoying it a full year
after buying it.  ANyway, thats waaaay off topic.  If
you want to talk more about games, feel free to write
me off the list.

--- michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> > Hey Michael,
> > 
> > Pretty much any p3 will do.  I've got an AMD K6-3
> 400
> > that performs on par with my roommates p3 550 for
> > every game we've ever played.  A 3dfx card will
> make
> > playing older games like quake2, doom, etc easy to
> set
> > up.  Quake 3 looks great on my system with 2
> voodoo2's
> > in SLI mode.  I have nothing but respect for
> matrox. 
> > G200 & G400 are both great cards for gaming no
> matter
> > which OS you are using.  128 megs of pc100 ram
> will do
> > you just fine.  Get 133 and ECC if you can afford
> it
> > and your motherboard supports ECC.
> > 
> > 
> > Dacia 
> > 
> Thanks! I guess I'll have to go for the PC133(does
> it really make that much
> diff?) and upgrade from my k62 500 ASUS P5A. My
> girlfriend and her 15 year old
> son will be here next week and I want to have a
> system he'll be able to play
> happily on....why two voodoo2's?
> I am new to the whole gaming world- if you'll read
> the posts on doom ?'s with
> fran et al, you'll see I've yet to get it working
> (lxdoom, that is) on my linux
> box. So I'm a dummy... but I try... :-)
>                         \\=//
>                      ( @ @ )
>    -------oOO--(_)--OOo-------
>                 -michael-

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