Don't feel bad, I have an IBM Netfinity 3000 with the same S3 Trio 3D chip. It
seems that the video card is only supported in VESA/Frame Buffer mode. It took
me six months of 3 am frustration, and umpteen support calls,  and endless
postings (check the archives) to get that answer. Finally, last week an IBM tech
support guy sent me an internal memo on how to get the damn thing to work.

I suggest that you subsitute the XFree86-FBDev-3.3.x-x.i386.rpm in the
instructions with whatever version came with your distribution or download the
latest version available and RPM it from whatever directory it is stored.

Here is the exact section from IBM's support:

...Currently, no support exists other than VESA/Frame Buffer for the Accelerated
Graphics Port (AGP) video adapter included with the Netfinity 1000/3000 Server.

**** (although, this applies to all S3 Trio 3D video cards)***

Appendix B: Installing the VESA/Frame Buffer Server

1. With the system started in command mode, log in as root .
2. Mount the Red Hat Linux 6.1 C D and install the frame buffer server
package as follows:

# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
# cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS
# rpm -ivh XFree86-FBDev-3.3.5-3.i386.rpm

3. Save the current symbolic link by running # mv /etc/X11/X
/etc/X11/X.old .
4. Create a new symbolic link by running # ln -s
../../usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_FBDev /etc/X11/X .
5. Edit /etc/lilo.conf to add a new entry for the frame buffer server by
copying the existing entry. Only add a vga=773 line after the image line and
change the label so that it is unique to other entries. The following is an
example of a SMP kernel entry with frame buffer server installed:
NOTE : Do not remove the existing entry. Do not make changes to the root
line in the new entry. The default line in /etc/lilo.conf contains the label
of the kernel loaded by default. If there is no default specified, then the
kernel entry in etc/lilo.conf is loaded by default. The digits 773 indicate
1024 x 768-pixel density with 8-bit color depth. For more information, see
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt (kernel-source-2.2.12-6.i386.rpm
6. Update the master boot record and the LILO boot loader by running #
lilo -v .
7. Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config to create a new section entry for the frame buffer
server under Screen section. Copy the following example of a Screen entry
and make the necessary changes.
NOTE : xxxx and yyyy depends upon predefined strings in XF86Config.
Replace xxxx with the string following Identifier under Device in the Graphics
device section. Replace yyyy with the string following Identifier under Monitor
in the Monitor section.
Section "Screen"
Driver "fbdev"
Device "xxxx"
Monitor "yyyy"
Subsection "Display"
Modes "default"
8. Reboot the system and remove the media.
9. At the LILO boot prompt, press Tab for the kernel options or press Enter if
 the new kernel was set as the default kernel.
10. After the system has restarted in command mode, issue the startx
 command to enter the X Window system.

That should do it for you, although it is a little complex if you have never
done this before(like me). Please post this solution to the newsgroup for me,
for some strange reason I cannot post to the mailing list even though I get
everyone else's.

Feel free to email me for more help, good luck


Leo Stutzmann wrote:

> I have an IBM 300PL, with integrated Trio3D chip on the motherboard. I
> installed XFree86 3.3.6. I have tried the Trio3D, Trio3D/2X, and the 86C365
> setting. All these settings don't work. The screen just goes black.
> Sometimes I can recover by using ctl-alt-backspace, and other times the
> machine is locked up.
> The chip says 86C366 on it. There does not seem to be a listing in the
> graphic cards for this chip.
> Anyone have this working? Do you have an XF86Config file or the needed lines
> in the config to make this work?
> Thanks for any help
> Leo

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