It seems the easy solution for our problem(although, I haven't tried yet) would
have been to check 's website. All we need to do is select  S3
Virge video card during install or rpm it later. The S3 Trio 3D and 3D/2X are
fully supported using the XFree86 version 3.3.6, or the new 4.0;

>From 3.3.6 Supported Hardware( );

"Since release 3.3.2 of XFree86, there are now two servers which support the
ViRGE family of chips. The XF86_S3V server is a dedicated server which supports
the S3 ViRGE (86C325), the ViRGE/DX (86C375), ViRGE/GX (86C385) and the ViRGE/VX
(86C988) chips. Use of that server is no longer recommended. It is not actively
being supported

The above ViRGE chipsets are supported in the XF86_SVGA server, which includes a
new ViRGE driver making use of the XAA acceleration architecture and also
supports ViRGE/GX2 (86C357), ViRGE/MX (86C260), Trio3D (86C365), Trio3D/2X
(86C362), Savage3D (86C391), Savage4 (86C396/86C397) and Savage2000 chips as of

, or, from Version 4.0's Release Notes's
( )

2.13.3. s3virge

The s3virge driver is a port of the 3.3.x SVGA S3 ViRGE driver. As such it
should be as
stable and functional as previous XFree86 releases. There are a couple
additional benefits
included primarily due to common enhancements:

    Depth 24 problems resolved with clients using 24/32 bpp pixmaps.
    Our common acceleration architecture (XAA) has been re-written, as has the
    acceleration code. You should find this version has better performance than
    Multi-head is reported to work.
    The s3virge man page lists options and has configuration notes for this
release of the
    Trio 3D and Trio 3D/2X support has been added, matching the 3.3.6 driver.
    Supports screen rotation and shadow framebuffer.

Outstanding items not implemented or fully tested:

    DGA support is implemented, but preliminary and untested.

Further information can be found in README.s3virge.

I am going to repost this answer under the "S3 Trio 3D" subject line so that
anyone searching for a solution in the future will be able to easily find it.


Leo Stutzmann wrote:

> I have an IBM 300PL, with integrated Trio3D chip on the motherboard. I
> installed XFree86 3.3.6. I have tried the Trio3D, Trio3D/2X, and the 86C365
> setting. All these settings don't work. The screen just goes black.
> Sometimes I can recover by using ctl-alt-backspace, and other times the
> machine is locked up.
> The chip says 86C366 on it. There does not seem to be a listing in the
> graphic cards for this chip.
> Anyone have this working? Do you have an XF86Config file or the needed lines
> in the config to make this work?
> Thanks for any help
> Leo

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