This is a tricky question to answer, because it partially depends on what
you're trying to compile.

Most software cource that you download comes with a script called
configure that checks your system, makes sure you have all the
pre-requisites installed, etc. and creates special directive files to tell
the compiler how to compile the software on your machine. Does this
software have a scipt called configure in it, and did you run it by
typing: ./configure first?

There is something important that you should know before your continue
trying to compile whatever it is that you're trying to compile. Mandrake
is an RPM-based distribution. RPM stands for Redhat Packager Manager. Its
a system where you can download a .RPM file and easily install it by
selecting it from a utility like Kpackage within DrakConf. The nice thing
about it is that you can easily uninstall RPMs if you need to, whereas if
you compile straight source code it can sometimes be a big pain in the
rear to uninstall because files can easily get thrown all over the place
and they can be impossible to track down.

I like compiling my own software too, so I generally download SRPMs, which
are special RPMS that contain the source code. You can compile them by
typing rpm --rebuild --target i586 name.rpm. If there are dependencies
needed, it tells you. Once its built you can install the RPM as you
normally would.

If you are new to Linux, and it sounds like you are, I would strongly
suggest to either download a binary RPM of the software you are trying to
compiler, or downloaded the SRPM and compile it using the above
command. Trust me, it will make your life much easier and m ake it much
easier for you to maintain your system. If the software that you are
trying to compile does not come in RPM format, check and look in the cooker and contrib
directories to see if someone elese made an RPM for it already. The only
thing that I use that is not in RPM format is WIN, so chances are until
you become more familiar with the Linux environment you should be able to
find everything you need in RPM format.

My humble opinion.


On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Fred Hamilton wrote:

> Well, with the help of everyone that responded to my cry for help, I am now 
> able to use tar. Now... HELP again. I am receiving these errors when using 
> make.
> make[4] *** [install-data-local] Error 255
> make[3] *** [install-am] Error 2
> make[2] *** [install-recursive] Error 1
> make[1] *** [install-recursive] Error 1
> make: [install-recursive] Error 1
> What do these compile errors mean and what do I do to fix them? I tried 
> this using two different archived files and I received the same error both 
> times, so I am assuming it is not a programming error, but I am missing 
> something in my Linux configuration? I reinstalled the make rpm package and 
> tried again but no luck. Any help would be appreciated....
> Thanks to all who have helped so far..
> Fred

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