   Have you tried running defrag from DOS if not try it and see what
   Upgrading from Win98 to Win98SE was the biggest pain in the ass that I
have ever been through. I kept getting Fatal Ex. errors system errors and a
host of problems. To get it to work properly I ended up disconectting all my
perifs,.formating my hd , installing Win98 then Win98SE, then connecting and
installing my perifs.


----- Original Message -----
From: "KompuKit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 11:58 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] partition magic

> well, it's a long story...
> But ever since I installed win98 2nd ed Update CD...
> (the one you get from MS for 20.00)
> I've had a terrible time...with fully defragging
> my windows says its complete,when I
> do it the first time, but when I immediately go back
> and do it a second see if it did it correctly,
> I see big areas of the disk that have empty spaces,
> and therefore it is not done right.
> I've been talking to a MS tech...about this...
> and he says..that they will not support dual OS's on
> a single HD...not even their own...(go figure)
> and he suggests...that before they will help me...
> I'd have to totally uninstall my linux...
> (which is understandable)...but if I do this,
> I'll lose everything...and I worked to hard
> to get everything the way I like it.
> I believe,and stated to him...if this was the case...
> then NT and win98 on the same machine wouldn't function
> correctly....(he had know comment about this)
> in any event, he suggested that I low-level format the drive
> and re-install win98....alone...and see what happens.
> he said, that normally, you should ONLY have ONE OS on any one drive...
> at one time....not two/and not dual-booting OS's....
> I told him that was ridiculous, and stated about win 3.1 and win95
> being able to be on one system...together...and NT and win98  etc.
> that that makes "his" fact fall flat...and also stated...that I'm not a
> dummy.
> anyway, I need win98 for the time being...until mandrake can better
> support
> the devices I have...acer scanner,usb webcam
> >
> >     Low level formatting is virtually never needed.  A  (Windows) format
/u ,
> > yes.  Why were you advised to low level your HDD?  -Gary-
> --
>            Registered Linux User:73821
> <===============    KompuKit    ===================>
> Kit Goins                              ICQ# 7110071
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           Lowell, Mass.
> Web Designer
> WebServer:
> (Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)
> <===============    KompuKit    ===================>

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