Actually it's a new install. I originally wanted to get 7.1, but I
mistakenly ordered 7.0. No big deal I've downloaded the ISO for 7.1 at
work and I only have to burn the CD's yet. However, I'm finding 7.0 isn't
as well behaved as I was led to believe. I absolutely LOVE the look, feel,
bells and whistles that it has, but it's got some quirks that are


        I had Netscape Messenger running last night and was working my
butt off to get it configured, (just one of the intolerable things). When
I attempted to import some address books from my DOS partition I didn't
have access to that dir (/mnt). Yes, that drive is correctly defined and
is mounted at boot. I was able to access the drive using a File manager I
just wasn't able to access the darn thing to import my addy
books. Something I've done hundreds of times in RedHat. 

I've noticed there many similarities between RH and Mandrake.


On Fri, 16 Jun 2000, Michael H. Collins wrote:

>       Did You do an Upgrade?  I believe I hold the record.   It is thorough,
> but time consuming.  17.34 Hours here for an upgrade to 7.1, from 7.0
> that is 2 days old.
> Mark Weaver wrote:
> > 
> > I've been working on my new installation of Linux Mandrake 7.0 this
> > evening. In fact it's been ALL evening. I started shortly after dinner
> > this evening and it's now after midnight. At the moment I'm sitting here
> > listing to Linux do something to my HDD's it's never done before. It's
> > really churning away. At what I have no idea. That's something I would
> > expect Windows to be doing when "find fast" is running...amuck!
> > 
> > Is weird behavior and being just a general pain in the ass the norm for
> > Mandrake? I don't remember RedHat being this difficult. That's what I cut
> > my Linux teeth on and I had heard, mistakenly I now believe, that Mandrake
> > is more user friendly!
> > 
> > Mark


Never wish for anything bigger than you can carry home in your pocket.
Disappointment is almost always guarrenteed. Especially if your pants 
don't have any pockets in them.

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