I've got a question about 7.1. At the present time I'm running RedHat 6.2
on one drive and on another I've got Mandrake 7.0 installed. I'm falling
in love with Mandrake very quickly, but I'm noticing that it's not as easy
to configure as RedHat was. Not to mention that some things don't install
as well such as Star Office.

My question is, is Mandrake 7.1 any better behaved than 7.0 and what's
configuring it like?



On Sat, 17 Jun 2000, Chris Hall wrote:

> Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 15:01:35 -0400
> From: Chris Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Rescue Disk
> I've heard stories of the upgrade taking up to 17 hours. Yea, you read that
> right. :) 17 hours. But then I heard another person say 3 hours. So its
> unpredictable. A new installation takes alot less time then the upgrade.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eunice Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: newbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2000 9:19 AM
> Subject: [newbie] Rescue Disk
> > I've been reading little snippets on the list about using the
> > installation CD for 7.1 has a rescue disk, but no specifics. Do I just
> > type rescue at the beinning?
> > I have a dual boot on my laptop , and I'm thinking of reintalling
> > Windows.
> > I use LILO on the MBR. I have no floppy drive for the machine,thus I
> > don't have a boot disk.
> > I'm sure that I can just go ahead and reinstall Windows, and then use
> > the Mandrake install CD to do an 'upgrade' just to reinstall LILO.
> >
> > My questions:
> >   Will I have to go through the entire process (no additonal
> > packages)?--time consuming
> >  Or can I use the expert mode and just skip to installing the
> > bootloader?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Eunice Thompson
> >
> >

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