When I was a tech I installed many Phoebe modems.  They are pretty 
decent, and had models that could be jumper set to COM & IRQ (a very good 
thing!).  I bought my USRobotics before the v.90 spec had existed very long, 
if there would have been a need for updating this was a better choice.  At 
this point in time, since the v.90 spec has been in use for quite some time 
the Phoebe is what I would choose for myself.  -Gary-

In a message dated 6/19/2000 7:50:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 > Hi folks...
 > Looking for some info about my modem, it turned up to be designed for 
 > windows...
 > So, I am thinking about getting another one...
 > Which modem would be the one that satifies my needs, do you guys have any 
 > sugestion...
 > I plan to use both windows and linux on a dial-up conection, on a digital 
 > line...
 > Thanks for the help given.
    A search of 'harware modem' at www.pricewatch.com  will return
 several dozen.  A Phoebe built around the Texas Instruments chipset
 is about $40.  It's basically the same modem as the 3com/USR that
 costs twice as much.
 ~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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