On the face of it, the Federation's economic model tells a lot about TrekVille; there 
is no money, all things
are provided at no charge, everyone simply does their job; sounds as believable as 
"Beam me up, Scotty".

6/28/00 7:49:16 PM, "Ronald J. Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>"F. E. Schaper" wrote:
>> Tell the Star Trek freaks to move out of the basement, take off the ears,
>> stop trying to learn to speak Klingon and join the rest of us in a nice
>> place called: "Reality"....
>Hmm, "Trekkies" are usually so leading edge that this surprises me
>> Better yet, don't....we don't need those clowns infecting the gene pool.
>What I'm really wondering is, maybe the original poster got a reply from
>the Klingon section?
>PS How can you tell when a Klingon has been using your computer? From
>the whiteout all over the screen! <grin>
>> > Windoze is a virus with a user interface.
>> > This message was created with Linux

Try the Opera web browser and e-mail at http://www.opera.com

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