On 29 Jun 00, at 19:33, Larry Hignight wrote:

>     If for some reason your employer or someone else won't allow 
you to delete
> the messages check into fetchmail.  It is an excellent program 
designed to fetch

The employer will have to be real daft to have such a policy. Pretty 
soon, the mailbox quotas will be filled, what then?

> mail off of servers.  Don't quote me but I believe it will do what 
you need
> quite nicely.  Be sure to read up a bit and try fetchmailconf for 
> configuration.

Fetchmail has no option to download only new messages. The only 
options of note are the "all" option which'll get everything, and the 
"keep" option which'll suck all but leave the msgs on the mail host.

There's one way though....if you can run a procmail recipe right at 
your mail host, it might help, like you download all the headers and 
select those messages you want to download. But don't think KMAIL is 
capable of this. If your mail host follows the IMAP proto, it might 
   __   _              Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com
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/____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\              G N U   g e n e r a t i o n . . .

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