On 1 Jul 00, at 9:45, Bill Fisher wrote:

ng the password, console displays:
> YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound
>   what does this mean? 
> Also, while the system is coming up from Boot Magic,  there is a delay while
> this message is displayed:
>   Listeing for an NIS Domain Server
>  what does this mean?
> I'm only local, only outside connection is internet via modem.
> Wodering if I've made a wrong selection, and if so how can I fix it?

Dunno whether this is the correct prescription for what is happening, 
but methinks you are running unnecessary daemons. If you are running 
X, then fire up DrakConf and goto Startup Services. Stop all the 
unnecessary services. for example, I run only the following, the rest 
have been put to sleep.

The startup daemons:
crond - for scheduling
dhcpd - host control
gpm - coz I usually work without X
keytable - a must daemon
network - another must
numlock - optional, though helpful
random - necessary
sendmail - MTa, you might be using postfix, smail, exim, etc.
syslog - preferred
xfs - needed by X

Just do this, and remove the others. Then boot up again and see if 
the problem persists. If yes, then send a transcript of 
tail /var/log/messages. Maybe, someone will decrypt it;]

    Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

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